Delete Your Account
We value your privacy and provide an easy way to delete your account and associated data. Here’s how you can request account deletion:
Fill out the form below or email us directly at with the subject "Account Deletion Request."
Provide your email address used to sign in so we can verify your account.
We will delete your account and associated data stored in Firestore within 7 business days.
What Data Is Deleted?
User IDs (Firestore)
Email Addresses (Firestore)
What Data Is Retained?
No data is retained after your account is deleted unless required by law or security policies.
For any questions or assistance, contact us at
Contact Us to Delete Your Account
Need assistance or want to delete your account? Fill out the form below with your details, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. We’re here to help and ensure your request is handled promptly!